(For scientific conferences see the dedicated TALK PAGE)



  • 2024: (Invited) Public seminar for Schools, for an initiative to combat school dropout “Azionamenti”, by Fondazione Cariplo and Treccani
  • 2023: (Invited) Public Seminar on scientific research for event “La Milanesiana 2023″, Milan, Italy
  • 2022: (Invited) participation in the Festival “A proposito di Futuro” organized by Human Technopole and Treccani Futura, Milan, Italy
  • 2022: (Invited) Seminar at the Sardinia northern observatory by Società Astronomica Turritana, Sassari, Italy
  • 2021: (Invited) Public Lecture on Astrophysics and Cosmology by the Italian Consulate, at THE ATHENÆUM OF PHILADELPHIA, USA
  • 2021: (Invited) Seminar at the Philosophy Dept. of University of Roma Tre, “Filosofia in Dialogo”, Rome, Italy
  • 2021: (Invited) Seminar on Astrophysics and Cosmology at high school “Primo Levi”, Montebelluna, TV, Italy
  • 2020: (Invited) Live, public seminar, for all ages, at “Gianni Rodari Festival” in Rome, “Il cielo è di tutti”, invited by V. Roghi, Rome, Italy;
  • 2020: (Invited) Live Conference on Astrophysics and Poetry for “La Milanesiana 2020” Festival, invited by Elisabetta Sgarbi, Milan, Italy;
  • 2020: (Invited) Presentation of my book “L’esperienza del cielo” at “XIII D. H. Lawrence Festival”, Sardinia, Italy;
  • 2020: (Invited) Seminar at high school Liceo Kennedy, Rome, Italy;
  • 2020: (Invited) Seminar at middle school, Moncalieri (TO), Italy;
  • 2020: (Invited) 2 Astrophysics and Cosmology seminars at High School “Liceo Morgagni” in Roma, Italy
  • 2020: (Invited) GiovedìScienza, Live interview to talk about astrophysics and Antartica;
  • 2020: (Invited) Associazione Pontina di Astronomia: Live conference;
  • 2020: Presentation of my book “L’esperienza del cielo” at “I Trapezisti” bookstore in Rome”
  • 2020: (Invited) Astrophysics and Cosmology seminar at High School “Liceo Manara” in Roma, Italy
  • 2020: (Invited) 2 Astrophysics and Cosmology seminars at High School “Liceo Aristotele” in Rome, Italy
  • 2020: (Invited) 2 Astrophysics and Cosmology seminars at High Schoool “Liceo Murialdo” in Roma, Italy
  • 2020: Presentation of my book “L’esperienza del cielo” at Notebook Bookstore, Auditorium Parco della Musica, Rome, Italy
  • 2020: 2 Conferences (one from Antarctica) on Astrophysics and Space Science at middle school “Enrico Fermi” – I.C. Villasanta” for the event “Inaugurazione Spazio allo Spazio X edizione”
  • 2019: (Invited) Presentation of my book “L’esperienza del cielo” at the book festival in Pescasseroli, Italy
  • 2019: Presentation of my book “L’esperienza del cielo” for the cultural festival “Curiosamente” at the Uni. of Milano-Bicocca Library
  • 2019: Presentation of my book at Germi bookstore in Milan, Italy;
  • 2019: Presentation of my book “L’esperienza del cielo” at III Municipality of Rome, Italy
  • 2019: Presentation of my book “L’esperienza del cielo” at Librixia Book Festival in Brescia, Italy;
  • 2019: Presentation of my book “L’esperienza del cielo” at the Feltrinelli Duomo Bookstore of Milan, Italy
  • 2019: Public outreach event on Experimental Astrophysics at Planetario di Milano (Milan Planetary), Italy
  • 2019: Public outreach event on Astrophysics from Antarctica at Planetario di Milano (Milan Planetary), Italy
  • 2019: (Invited) Public outreach event at High School “Liceo Nomentano” in Rome, on Astrophysics from Antarctica, invited by C. Raimo the Rome Third Municipality, Italy
  • 2019: (Invited) Public outreach event on Astrophysics from Antarctica and my Antarctic Diary at Centro Culturale di Malnate (Va), Italy
  • 2010-2013: Astronomy public outreach and night sky observations at sites near Rome, Italy;
  • 2009: Sapienza Science Festival, a volunteering outreach weekend activity for families and students for all ages at Rome University La Sapienza;
  • 2007: Scientific Degrees Project for High Schools, funded by Physics Dept., Uni. of Rome La Sapienza – Liceo Scientifico A. Righi di Roma (30 hours);
  • 2006 – 2007: Science Week and Research Night in Frascati and Tor Vergata (Rome);
  • 2005-2006: Development and realization of an interactive software for an educational exhibit dedicated to WMAP data and CMB maps at the planetarium of Turin (Italy). The same exhibit was also part of the “Astri e particelle. Le parole dell’Universo” show at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome (Italy), in 2009 – 2010;
  • 2002-2003: Public outreach and tutorial for Open Source software for scientific research;
  • 2002: Cosmology: an introduction for school students, Scuola Media V. Alfieri, Rome, Italy.


  • 2024: POLOCALC photo is on The New York Times article cover
  • 2023: Live interview on the ERC Advanced project POLOCALC and the Simons Observatory for the national radio station Rai Radio3 Scienza
  • 2023: Article on ERC project POLOCALC for the national newspaper La Stampa;
  • 2023: Live interview on scientific research in Antarctica for the national radio station Rai Radio3 Scienza
  • 2023: Interview on Cosmology aired during “Pantagruel” (repeat of “Le Ripetizioni”), a radio magazine of the main national radio station Rai Radio 3
  • 2023: Interview on astrophysical research in Antarctica and Chile for the national newspaper Famiglia Cristiana;
  • 2022: Masterclass on Cosmology for Treccani, for the web portal for schools Treccani Edulia;
  • 2022: Webinar Molto Futuro for the italian major newspaper Il Messaggero, to discuss the impact of satellite constellations on the astrophysical observations
  • 2021: Interview on Cosmology on the main national radio station Rai Radio3, for the public outreach show “Le Ripetizioni”;
  • 2021: Live Interview on scientific missions to Antarctica for the national italian radio station Rai Radio3 Scienza;
  • 2021: Live interview on science and society for the main Italian radio station Rai Radio1;
  • 2021: Interview on the italian national newspaper Il Foglio;
  • 2020: Article about history and future of cosmology on national newspaper Il Giornale, Title: “Origine e destino dell’universo ci stupiranno…”;
  • 2020: My book for the general public, “L’esperienza del cielo”, is available as an audiobook published on the Audible platform
  • 2020: Article on Astrophysics and Poetry on national newspaper La Stampa;
  • 2020: Interview on italian national newspaper “Il Giornale”
  • 2020: Rai1, interview on the main italian network on my book “L’esperienza del cielo. Diario di un astrofisico” for the show Milleunlibro presented by Gigi Marzullo;
  • 2020: RAI Scuola: Interview by Davide Coero Borga for Scuol@casa Magazine on Biophysics courses;
  • 2020: RAI Scuola, : Interview by Davide Coero Borga for Scuol@casa Magazine on Physics courses;
  • 2020: Marco Montemagno Channel: Live interview on Facebook, Youtube, Linkedn and Twich on Astrophysics;
  • 2020: Decameron, una storia ci salverà, with Antonio Pascale;
  • 2020: Live interview on air for RAI Radio2 to talk about scientific missions, Antarctica, science and the activity on mechanical ventilators (MVM) for Covid-19 (MP3);
  • 2020: ScienzaPerTutti – INFN: Review of my book “L’esperienza del cielo. Diario di un astrofisico”, by Giulio D’Agostini;
  • 2020: Il Giornale: Interview on mechanical ventilator project MVM for Covid-19 emergency;
  • 2020: Radio 24, Live interview on the origin of the Universe;
  • 2019: Radio Radicale: Interview on astrophysics and my book;
  • 2020: Radio Radicale: Interview on MVM project;
  • 2020: Radio Radicale: Interview from Antarctica;
  • 2020: Società Dante Alighieri: Video clip on MVM;
  • 2020: Feltrinelli.it: Video interview on my book and MVM;
  • 2020: Radio Vaticana: Interview on scientific method, research and Covid-19 emergency;
  • 2019: Interview for Fanpage, an italian magazine, on Astrophysics and Antarctica
  • 2019: Interview for Focus TV, “La sinfonia dell’universo”, a documentary on Cosmology and telescopes
  • 2019: Geo, RAI 3: Live interview on main national TV channel on Astrophysics and Antarctica
  • 2019: Radio InBlu: Live interview
  • 2019: Affari Italiani: article on the book L’esperienza del cielo
  • 2019: Almanacco CNR: article on my reasearch and my book;
  • 2019: Brescia Oggi, article on my book;
  • 2019: Live interview on air for RAI Radio3 to talk about scientific missions, Antarctica, science and outreach;
  • 2020: Cosmo magazine, review of my book “L’esperienza del cielo”
  • 2019: Economia Italiana: interview on my research and my book
  • 2020: Giornale dell’Astronomia: review of my book
  • 2019: Il Fatto Quotidiano: interview on Astrophysics, Antarctica and my book “L’esperienza del cielo;
  • 2019: Il Giornale: Interview on my research and my book;
  • 2020: Il Giorno: Interview on Astrophysics and my book “L’esperienza del cielo”
  • 2020: Il Manifesto: Interview on the mechanical ventilator project for Covid-19;
  • 2020: Il Manifesto: Review of my book “L’esperinza del cielo”;
  • 2020: Il Posto delle Parole: Interview on my research and my book;
  • 2019: Il Sole 24 Ore: Review of my book “L’esperienza del cielo”;
  • 2019: Il Venerdì di Repubblica: Interview on Astrophysics, Antarctica and my book “L’esperienza del cielo”;
  • 2019: Lettera 43: Excerpt from my book “L’esperienza del cielo”;
  • 2019: Kilimangiaro, Rai 3: Live interview on national TV channel on Astrophysics, Antarctica and my book “L’esperienza del cielo”;
  • 2019: My book “L’esperienza del cielo” is recommended by “La Lettura” magazine of Il Corriere della Sera;
  • 2019: My book is recommended by “L’eco di Bergamo” newspaper;
  • 2020: Left Magazine: article on the mechanical ventilator project for Covid-19;
  • 2019: Left Magazine: article on my research and my book “L’esperienza del cielo”;
  • 2020: Le Scienze, italian edition of Scientific American: review of my book “L’esperienza del cielo”;
  • 2020: MangiaLibri: interview on my research and my book “L’esperienza del cielo”;
  • 2020: Invited speaker on the Instagram channel of Media INAF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica) to talk about my research;
  • 2020: Mind (Le Scienze): Interview by A. Pascale on my research and my book “L’esperienza del cielo”;
  • 2020: Interview for Rai Cultura for guidance on Physics courses at italian universities;
  • 2020: Parla della Russia: my book is reviewd and rated among the best books of 2019;
  • 2019: RSI.ch Radio : Interview on Astrophysics and Antarctica;
  • 2019: La7 – Tagadà: Live interview on Astrophysics and Antarctica;
  • 2019: Topolino (Mickey Mouse comics magazine): Interview for kids on Astrophysics and Antarctica;
  • 2019: TV interview on the Blast-TNG experiment mission in Antarctica, aired on Zelig TV Darwin, l’evoluzione della scienza;
  • 2019: Photo essay published on the first issue of the italian edition of the Lonely Planet Magazine on the Blast-TNG experiment mission in Antarctica;
  • 2019: Diario di un astrofisico, il Manifesto (Jan. 19, 2019). Available also in PDF, a scientific diary for the general public, a new approach to dissemination crossing the boundaries between a novel and a scientific outreach book. A review on one of the most important italian newspapers;
  • 2018: Live interview from Antarctica during the Blast-TNG balloon campaign, for the italian FM radio station Radio Popolare(Podcast download);
  • L’universo quasi perfetto di Planck, Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American)
  • NHK Cosmic Front, Interview for the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT)
  • Archeops Press Release


Planetario di Milano 2019
Blast-TNG talk at SCAR 2019
POLOCALC Talk UMinnesota
Science Festival
Astronomy night 2011
Europython 2003
Milan 2014
NHK 2014